Si Joint Pain Acupuncture Treatment
SI Joint Pain Acupuncture Treatment
SI joint pain is also known as Sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Those who suffer from this condition feel pain in lower back and upper leg of either side of their body. SI joint pain can be the result of other conditions such as disc diseases, joint overuse, inflammation, degenerative diseases, or age. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is more present in women in their 30’s and 40’s.
So what is the sacroiliac joint?
The sacroiliac joint is the connecting joint between the sacrum and the pelvis. It is located below the lumbar spine and above the coccyx. The SI joint is characterized by being very small yet quite strong. It acts as a shock absorbing strutting, transmitting all the forces of the upper body to the hips and legs.
Symptoms of SI Joint Pain
Apart from low back pain and upper leg pain occurring, the following symptoms can show:
- pain in the thigh to buttock radiating down the sciatic nerve
- throbbing pain when exercising (bending, squatting, or standing up from a sitting position)
- limited flexibility
- loss of stability/balance
- muscle weakness in legs
For proper diagnosis, please contact one of our clinics. Alongside chiropractic care and physiotherapy, acupuncture can help reduce SI joint pain by increasing blood flow to the affected areas, reducing stress on the muscles, relieving inflammation.
How Can PhysioChiroWellness Help?
At PhysioChiroWellness Integrated Health Centre our highly-skilled practitioners work together to create fully integrated health solutions that may include physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, naturopathy, medical aesthetics amongst others. Our professionals will work together towards achieving an optimal health for all our patients through a holistically approach when treating any condition or pain they may present. This service is provided in our Vaughan, Mississauga, Ajax & Newmarket clinics and can be booked at any time.
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