Manager Performance Analysis (MPA)

STEP #1. Provider Performance Report (PPR)

Analyze Updated PPR


  1. Click the Analyze Updated PPR button above.
  2. Sort and organize the table as follows:
    • a) Highlight all information.
    • b) Select “Data” tab and click “Sort Range”.
      • Helpful Tip: Check the box that says “Data has header row” to see the names of the columns.
    • c) Sort by “Clinic Location” (Column ‘D’).
    • d) Select “Add Another Sort Column”.
    • e) Highlight and delete other clinic locations and dates that you will not be analyzing.
  3. Review the data for your clinic and each Provider for the past 7 days.
  4. Identify all instances where Providers did not recommend Products & Full Integrated Series Bookings.
  5. Look for negative trends. For example; Dr. X has not recommend a Product or Full Integrated Series Booking for 3 patients in a row. Another example; Dr. Y’s name rarely appears in the report, indicating that she rarely fills out the Patient Manager Form as she’s supposed to for all patients she interacts with. These are just a few examples. Look for more.
  6. Next, Verify that all the recommended Products and Series Bookings were entered into InnoCare, charged and/or in progress.
  7. Effectively communicate with your staff to investigate the reason(s) and who is/are responsible for poor Product and Full Integrated Series Bookings.
  8. Determine and execute a plan to fix and prevent the issue(s) from recurring.
  9. If you require assistance, you may submit your inquiry through the Staff Inquiry Form in the Staff Portal.
  10. Complete and submit the “Weekly Manager’s Report” below.

STEP #2. Clinic Performance Report (CPR)

Analyze Updated CPR


  1. Click Analyze Updated CPR button above.
  2. Enter your access information to log into your account and go to:
    • ‘Clinic Manager’ Workspace > ‘Daily Charges Reports’ Folder> Select your Clinic Location.
  3. Review all data from the table, chart, graph, etc. for the past 7 days.
  4. Identify all instances where the Clinic did not perform well.
  5. Look for negative trends. For example; the Daily Charges Total has been below the Daily Charges Goal for 3 days in a row. Another example; Future Appointments has been consistently trending downward for the past 7 days. These are just a few examples. Look for more.
  6. Next, Verify that all the recommended Products and Series Bookings were entered into InnoCare, charged and/or in progress.
  7. Effectively communicate with your staff to investigate the reason(s) why and who is/are responsible for poor Clinic Charges.
  8. Determine and execute a plan to fix and prevent the issue(s) from recurring.
  9. If you require assistance, you may submit your inquiry through the Staff Inquiry Form in the Staff Portal.
  10. Complete and submit the “Weekly Manager’s Report” below.