Most shoes in North America have narrow toeboxes. This is not good as it doesnt allow for enough space for the toes to be able to wiggle around. In fact, The tip of the toes should be the widest part of the feet, but as get older and wear shoes with the narrow toebox, the widest part of the feet becomes the metatarsals bones. As a result, toes starts to converge leading to issues such as bunions.
Correct Toes is a solicone device that allows for toes to be properly spaced for the purpose of having optimal foot arches when walking. Correct Toes can help prevent conditions such as flat feet, plantar fasciitis, and arthritis. More over, it improves circulation, assists with proper distribution of body weight, and restores foot balance.
Correct Toes can be customized to your feet according to the desired gap in between toes. . We can assist you with these modifications.